About Me

My decision to study Mechanical Engineering was forged from a deep passion for building and
. When I was 5, I received my first Lego set: a “robot” shaped mech that could fit in my palm.
While it only had 70 plastic pieces, I was enamored by the ability to reconfigure the components into my own creations. Seven years later, I was gifted a Lego robot that could actually move. The Mindstorms kit had working motors, sensors, wires, and a central computer that could be programmed. I was fascinated by the new potential of bringing my creations to life.

In high school, I advanced from plastic Legos to metal robots. I quickly grew engrossed in the
school’s robotics club, meeting after school for hours every day, tinkering with 18”x18” robots to
compete in the First Tech Challenge. Through trial and error, I learned how to brainstorm, design,
machine, prototype, review, and present
. At the start of my freshman year of high school, I was unsure which rotation tightens a screw; during my senior year, I served as the Captain who guided my team to the World Championships. These experiences shaped my goal of pursuing mechanical engineering and robotics in college and beyond.

Through my classes at Northeastern I have supplemented my hands-on skills with theory
and calculations that can validate my designs. My minors in robotics and mathematics have further
enriched this knowledge. Extracurriculars have been my highlight at Northeastern, due to the experience I have gained and the wonderful people I have met. I have sought to grow as much as possible by dedicating myself to a wide variety of extracurriculars. This past year, I served as the President of the Northeastern Robotics Club, Mechanical Lead for SEDS’s NASA Mars Ice Challenge Team, ASME’s Communications Officer, and Solidworks Professional Instructor, as well as a Design Lead in Professor Taskin Padir’s RIVeR lab on the PARIS E-ROBOT Project.

I am committed to an ethical and sustainable future where humans and robots work together to preserve and uplift our planet.


I’ve been skiing since I was three. I love the speed when rushing down double-black diamonds, and the incredible views from the top of the lift. Some of my favorite memories are powder-skiing through trees in Colorado.

I love to go on jumps at the terrain park, but I’m not very consistent at sticking the landing.


Board Games

From spending time with family to friends, board games are my favorite way to pass the time.

I love to introduce others to the joy of the hobby – at my previous co-op, I organized bi-weekly board game events as Fulfil’s “Game Master”.

My favorite games include Gloomhaven, Terraforming Mars, 7 Wonders, Wingspan, Everdell, Spirit Island, and Magic: the Gathering!


I love the tranquility and personal reflection that occurs simultaneously to encountering some of the most amazing sights of your life.

I have a passport where I collect stamps of all the national parks and monuments. I dream to one day have it filled cover to cover, and take in all of the incredible journeys to get there.


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